Mar 22, 2024 - Attending the CRC conference in Des Moines, Iowa!
Had a fantastic experience at the Construction Research Congress (CRC) in Des Moines, Iowa! The poster session was filled with insightful conversations, and I had a great time catching up with old friends and meeting new colleagues. hashtag CRC hashtag ConstructionResearch hashtag Networking
Feb 23, 2024 - ACCE Mid-year Conference at Las Colinas, Dallas
First-time attendee at the Americal Council of Construction Education (ACCE)! Preparing myself for the new reaccreditation cycle.
I learned a lot about the accreditation and reaccreditation steps, visiting team training and tasks, primary documents to consider, current students' learning outcomes (SLOs), and more.
Overall, very productive day!
Jan 10, 2024 - TRB Annual Meeting–Poster Presentation in Project Delivery Methods
I am thrilled to meet and discuss with DOTs and practitioners the research that Gustavo Garcia Melero and I conducted at the 2024 TRB annual meeting.
Best-value weighted criteria award algorithm: does the number of non-cost criteria in the equation matter?
In this research, we explored the effect of having two or three components in the best-value weighted criteria award algorithm on the probability of the lowest bidder winning.
Dec 15, 2023 - LCOE Teaching Symposium–6 approaches to project-based learning
This year, the LCOE organized a teaching symposium where faculty shared different techniques and strategies used in their classrooms. Dr. Calahorra-Jimenez presented six different approaches to project-based learning.
She shared different ways of incorporating real-world projects in the classroom that she has used in the courses CM 151 Heavy Civil Construction, CM 127 Construction Soils and Foundations, and CM 170 Project Controls.
Dec 08, 2023 - Performance-Based Contracts Presentation
Civil Engineering Graduate Student Richard Poythress presented our research "Performance-Based Contracts: A Good Option to Address Road Maintenance in California?" Funded by Senate Bill 1 through the Fresno State Transportation Institute.
We received great feedback!
Nov 04, 2023 - Expanding your horizons Conference! –STEM-girls!
Dr. Calahorra-Jimenez presented in the "Expanding your Horizons Conference" organized for girls between 4 and 8 years old willing to learn STEM-related stuff! 😀
In her session, she talked about civil engineers, construction managers, and the design and construction of roads and bridges!
Attendees also had a challenge!! => Build the tallest tower in groups with 20 spaghetti, a cup of marshmallows, one piece of paper, and tape!!
Thanks, Tulare County Office of Education and Porterville College, for organizing this event!!
Oct 20, 2023 - Anderson Dam project Visit. Beavers student day
Dr. Calahorra-Jimenez brought Fresno State students from the Construction Management Master and Bachelor programs and Civil Engineering Students to the Anderson Dam project at Morgan Hill.
Sep 25, 2023 - Study Abroad Courses–Summer 2024–Santander, Spain
Would you like to visit Spain while learning very interesting Transportation Business and Management topics? (no matter the major you are!)
Today, we presented our 2024 Study Abroad Summer Program (Santander, Spain, in June 2024) in the
9th Annual Study Abroad Fair at the Memorial Garden at California State University, Fresno.
If you are interested, stay tuned! We will be sharing more details in the upcoming weeks!
Sep 20, 2023 - Women In Transportation Systems–Join the Student Chapter!
The Women in Transportation Systems is already a reality! It was great to meet today at the Fresno State Welcome Barbecue and Company Expo!
Aug 18, 2023 - Dr. Calahorra-Jimenez attended the Beaverdilly
Dr. Calahorra-Jimenez attended the Annual meeting organized by The Beavers in Napa. This year The Beavers hold the 1st Annual Beavers Women in Heavy Civil networking event. A great opportunity to support and advance females in this industry. Dr. Calahorra-Jimenez met other Beavers supported professors from California State University, Chico, Texas A&M University and Notre Dame University!