Best-value in the procurement of highway projects. Lessons Learned from US Design-Build projects
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Addressing the Fallacy in Lump-Sum Best-Value Procurement for Design-Build Highway Projects in Building a Body of Knowledge in Construction Project Delivery, Procurement, and Contracting
Calahorra-Jimenez M, Torres-Machi C. and Molenaar K.. Building a Body of Knowledge in Construction Project Delivery, Procurement, and Contracting published by World Scientific Publishing (WSP) pp. 139-160 [DOI]

Oportunidades para el mejoramiento de la gestión de proyectos de infraestructura pública en Chile
Alarcón, Luis F., Wegmann, Adolfo, Calahorra, Maria. Propuestas Para Chile 2017 published by Centro de Políticas públicas UC, Santiago de Chile Chapter VII pp. 199-239 [DOI]