Approved for presentation: Alternative Project Delivery Methods’ Enabling Legislation Trends for California Transportation Agencies
Leothacue-Liauburindr A.B., Nacir C., Shrestha R., Gad G., Calahorra-Jimenez M. 2025 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting
Approved for presentation: Toward BIM for Infrastructure Implementation in State Departments of Transportation: Mapping of Practices and Lessons Learned
Calahorra-Jimenez M., Shehab, T., Blampied N., Nasr E. 2025 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting
Approved for presentation: Sexual Crimes and Harassment on Public Transportation in Chile: A Gender Approach
Valencia-Vásquez, A., García-Melero G., Calahorra-Jimenez M. 2025 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting
Females in Design and Construction of Transportation project. An exploration of attraction and retention factors.”
Calahorra-Jimenez M., Garcia-Melero G., Yu F (2024). 7th International Conference on Women and Gender in Transportation, Irvine, California, USA, September 9-11, 2024. Organized by Transportation Research Board (TRB).
Sexual Crimes and Harassment on Public Transportation in Chile: How Safe Are We?
Valencia-Vásquez, A., Garcia-Melero G., Calahorra-Jimenez M. (2024). 7th International Conference on Women and Gender in Transportation, Irvine, California, USA, September 9-11, 2024. Organized by Transportation Research Board (TRB).
Is best-value procurement leading to a low-bid selection? The case of design-build highway projects in the US
Calahorra-Jimenez M., Garcia-Melero G (2024). Construction Research Congress 2024, Poster session, Des Moines, Iowa, 20-23 March, 2024
Best-Value Weighted Criteria Award Algorithms: Does the Number of Non-Cost Criteria in the Equation Matter?
Calahorra-Jimenez M., García-Melero G. (2024). Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting. Poster Session Project Delivery Methods Washington D.C., January 7-11, 2024
Engaging Industry in the Classroom to Enhance Teaching of Heavy Civil Construction
Calahorra-Jimenez M.. 1st Cal Poly Pomona Civil Engineering Conference Pomona, California, September 12-13, 2022
Exploring Long-Term Performance in Design-Build Best-Value Evaluation Criteria
Calahorra-Jimenez M., Poore T.. International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management ICCEPM 2022 Las Vegas, Nevada, June 20-24, 2022
Best-value in Design-Build Highway Projects: Technical Scoring Trends and Award Algorithms
Calahorra-Jimenez M.. Construction Research Congress 2022 Arlington, Virginia, March 9-12, 2022
Alignment between Project goals and evaluation criteria in best-value procurement
Calahorra M., Torres-Machi C., Molenaar Keith R., Chamorro A., Alarcon L.F.. Transportation Research Board (Poster) Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2020
Information Exchange in the procurement process of Design-Build Transportation projects: digging into the What, the When, the Who and the How
Calahorra M., Torres-Machi C., Molenaar Keith R.. Transportation Research Board (Poster) Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2020
Análisis de ciclo de vida de mezcla asfáltica con/sin caucho: estudio de caso
Calahorra M., Giménez Z., Herrera R., Martínez J., Salazar L.. Proceedings of the VII Elagec Bogotá, Colombia, November 15-18, 2016
Competencias que debe poseer un director de proyecto y como desarrollarlas
Herrera R., Calahorra M.. Congreso Internacional de Gestión de Proyectos PMI. XII Versión del Tour Cono Sur Chile Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 9, 2016