Sustainability and Resilience in Infrastructure

Dr. Calahorra-Jimenez aims to explore how pre-construction processes and decisions might impact sustainability and resilience in the construction and operation of infrastructure projects. Some of the topics under the sustainability and resilience umbrella are:

  • Long-term performance
  • Project life cycle assessment
  • Challenges to address sustainability goals


A new approach for integrating environmental, social, and economic factors to evaluate asphalt mixture with and without waste tires
Arroyo, P., Herrera, R., Salazar, L., Giménez, Z., Martínez, J.,Calahorra, M.. Journal Construction Engineering Vol 33 No 3 2018, pp. 301-313 [DOI]

Análisis de ciclo de vida de mezcla asfáltica con/sin caucho: estudio de caso
Calahorra M., Giménez Z., Herrera R., Martínez J., Salazar L.. Proceedings of the VII Elagec Bogotá, Colombia, November 15-18, 2016