
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in Infrastructure Projects and Workplaces

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in Infrastructure Projects and Workplaces
  • Integration of Diversity and Inclusion in the Construction Site
  • Attraction, Retention, Barriers of women working in civil engineering and heavy civil construction related industries
  • Intersectionality and professional development in civil engineering and heavy civil construction related industries


Approved for presentation: Sexual Crimes and Harassment on Public Transportation in Chile: A Gender Approach
Valencia-Vásquez, A., García-Melero G., Calahorra-Jimenez M. 2025 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting

Females in Design and Construction of Transportation project. An exploration of attraction and retention factors.”
Calahorra-Jimenez M., Garcia-Melero G., Yu F (2024). 7th International Conference on Women and Gender in Transportation, Irvine, California, USA, September 9-11, 2024. Organized by Transportation Research Board (TRB).

Grants & Support

  • Women in Civil Engineering and Heavy Civil Construction: Why do they stay? [Learn More]